About us

Welcome To QoP

The instruction and formation in Gospel Values is central to our mission at Queen of Peace Girls School. Our children have religious instruction each day in school, but the spiritual education of our children extends beyond this classroom instruction.

Each Day Begins with Prayer

pupils learn a variety of prayer techniques from traditional prayers to meditation to extemporaneous prayer. All pupils attend weekly Mass in our church and many prayer services throughout the school year.

Not Catholic?

While we are a Catholic School and share the teachings of the Catholic Church, we joyfully welcome non-Catholic pupils to join our school community. In fact, 45 percent of our pupils are not Catholic. All pupils take part in every aspect of the school day, including weekly Mass. We encourage our non-Catholic pupils and guests to join in the Communion celebration by coming forward to receive a special blessing from the priest or extraordinary minister.We believe the value of sending your pupil to our school, regardless of their religious denomination, is in the principles, morals, leadership opportunities and outstanding education they will receive.


Being Non-Catholic at a Catholic School

If your student is not Catholic and you have questions, please feel free to e-mail Sr Agnes Rotich, Headmistress Queen of Peace Primary School, at info@queenofpeacegirlslodwar.sc.ke or contact our front office staff on +254701882688.


School Compound